One of the longest standing transnational education (TNE) partnerships in Malaysia is between Taylor's University and the Academie Toulouse and University of Toulouse-Jean Jaures. This close relationship in hospitality and tourism has been active for some 28 years. The Taylor's-Toulouse relationship has evolved over time, and it is now a true partnership between two well-respected universities. To further the international education and cultural links between France and Malaysia, the "Journee Malaisie" (Malaysia Day) meeting was organised by Campus France in Paris. Given the importance of this event, it was jointly opened by Mr. Antoine Grassin, the Director-General of Campus France and the Malaysian Ambassador to France, H.E Tan Sri Ismail bin Omar. Professor Jean-Pierre Poulain, who leads the Taylor's-Toulouse University Centre (TTUC), provided an overview of UTTC activities and the links between France and Malaysia. Given his longstanding relationship with France, Prof Hassan Said, the Vice-Chancellor of Taylor's University was amongst the invited guests. Given the strategic nature of the discussions, the Malaysian Director-General for Higher Education, Dato' Prof. Dr. Asma binti Ismail led the Malaysian delegation.