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6 ways preschool teachers can change lives through early childhood education

May 11, 2022


Playing as part of the early childhood education activities.

Image source: cottonbro, Pexels

Children are such a joy to be around with. 

Their rich imagination and curiosity have always been a wonder for parents and teachers alike.

Imagine the greatness these children can achieve if they get to explore their potential growing up!

Children go through a crucial developmental stage from birth up to eight years of age. During this period, children are in their best condition to learn and discover the world around them.

In fact, it is the best time for them to pick up physical, social, emotional, language, and cognitive skills. This is why preschool teachers and early childhood professionals are needed.

If your interest lies in early childhood education, you’re at the right place! 

Here’s how early childhood education and being a preschool teacher can change the lives of many children.

Early childhood education graduate as a preschool teacher.

Image source: Zhu Peng, Pexels

What are the benefits as a preschool teacher?

1. You can communicate with children better.

Early childhood education courses teach you to communicate with children at their level. Besides, you will also help them develop social-emotional skills, such as understanding and controlling their emotions, as well as interacting with others.

You will teach them about rules and respect, and how to acknowledge and share their feelings with others.

One way to effectively communicate with children is to sit or kneel at their level. When you are talking to them while towering over them, this can intimidate them. By lowering yourself, you will appear more approachable and children will open up better.

2. You become a part of their lives.

There is a saying that goes: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.”

Do you know that as a preschool teacher, you are playing a huge role in the early stages of children’s lives?

The time spent with them also means that you are making a difference in their growth: Early childhood education is all about making sure children grow up to become responsible, competent individuals. Nothing can be as rewarding as witnessing your students achieve that!

3. You contribute to their growth and development.

Child cutting a paper.

Image source: Natalie, Pexels

The responsibilities of a preschool teacher are slightly different than that of regular teachers. As these children are still developing physically and mentally, you have to make sure your classes are well-rounded for them to learn all the basic skills.

For example, you must conduct lessons that sharpen children’s fine and motor skills. Physical activities such as jumping, running, throwing, balancing, and even in-class activities (holding pencils & cut-and-paste shapes) must be incorporated in creative ways to keep them engaged.

4. You can connect with your inner child.

Child reading a story book.

Image source: Lina Kivaka, Pexels

One of the best things about interacting with children is the amount of fun you will get.

As a preschool teacher, you have to conduct fun-filled classes to keep them interested. This allows you to tap into your inner child to explore ways that make young minds learn the best. 

Had fun learning using colourful toys and tools when you were young? Bring that to your class and let them experience it too!

5. You will become more patient.

Children might misbehave when they feel upset, hungry, bored, or tired. When you are facing a class of more than 10 kids, it can easily feel overwhelming!

As a preschool teacher, you will learn to be extra patient because dealing with children needs time and effort. Since they haven’t mastered how to express themselves, you must be attentive to their behaviour and needs.

6. You work in an unpredictable (and fun) environment.

Little girl holding a pencil.

Image source: Pixabay, Pexels

Trust us: you will never get bored working with kids. When it comes to children, there are always surprises, spontaneity, and laughter.

With an early childhood education degree, you get to work in kindergartens, daycare centres, preschools and even elementary schools. You get to move from class to class, accompany your students for breaks and physical activities, and even take them out for a field trip!

Here’s a tip to have more fun: Try to get your students to solve an ‘adult’ problem. It can be a light-hearted question like “What gift should I make for my best friend’s birthday?” and let them figure out a solution. Chances are, you will encounter some hilarious or really creative answers!

Teaching children is an absolutely rewarding job. Fun and spontaneity aside, you are actually playing a huge role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Remember that kind teacher in your kindergarten who always lets you play longer than the break time? It’s time to pay it forward!

Check out our Guide for Diploma in Early Childhood Education. You can graduate in less than 3 years and become a preschool teacher right away too!

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