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13 Things Only HELP CAT Students Will Understand

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff


#1 We get bored when people ask:

If our reply is “HELP CAT”, most people will be like “HELP what? Who are you helping?” or “Oh HELP, so you stay in Damansara?” Therefore, we have to take a deep breath and say “I’m from HELP College of Arts and Technology, not the Damansara one, near Chan Sow Lin LRT station at Fraser Business Park the old F&N factory site.”


Just joking, but this is the compilation of description you can choose from.


#2 One most important thing:


An active Facebook account.


We open Facebook 24/7. Even though we have a forum in HELP's e-learning site for each subject, we only use it to download notes. #FACT, sorry HELP CAT Admins!


So, don’t be surprised when your friendly coursemate suddenly added you into a group conversation to remind you about what posted in e-learning site.

On top of that, We have groups especially for departments, classes, group assignments, clubs/societies, etc. We even use FB to warn people DBKL is coming to saman* the illegally parked cars. Also, You have to check FB before class to make sure your lecturer won’t FFK* suddenly. Hey, lecturers are human too!


#3 There are 3 kopitiams*, 4 mamaks*, 5 restaurants and 6 cafes, yet we ask:


If these are not enough, you can always order delivery or go to Chan Sow Lin LRT station or go to Pudu (Chinese Restaurant, KFC), Imbi (Berjaya Times Square), Miharja (Viva Mall), and Maluri (Aeon Maluri) to hunt for food.

On top of that, we have culinary arts students that provide full course meals on Thursday for only RM20++ (depending their semester schedule), or fundraising events that most students will choose to sell food on campus (depending on the semester as well).


PS: They taste quite good actually. *Hi to the HELP CAT Culinary Students!*


#4 Somehow, we are a lil, erm, you know,


We can be good coursemates / groupmates. Period. Most probably because the college is dominated by Chinese-speaking Malaysians who are shy to speak English? But the English-speaking Malaysians are open-minded though.


#5 The air-cond, OMG, the air-cond


The second most important thing you must have is something to keep you warm enough to focus in class. By the way, the air-conditioner in class and library is cold, but other places are warm. So just bring along either a cardigan, a jacket, a sweater or a scarf. It is not recommended to wear long sleeves to college because the moment when you step out of the college, Malaysia's weather will melt you.


#6 Most of the time Wi-Fi will *FFK


Don’t depend on college Wi-Fi too much, it is not that stable and promising, even though you stand under the modem/router. But luckily, we have a computer lab, you can either use the computer or use their cable to get a stable connection. But somehow the corridors have a stronger WiFi signal compared to being in the classrooms. We still can recall the moment where we have to do a 5-10 minutes research for our impromptu speech, everyone roaming at the corridor with their phones and/or laptops just to get to the internet. *aaaaaahh! what a Sweet memory ;) *


[You might also be interested in reading: 9 Signs That You Are From Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)]


#7 Once awhile, there will be exchange student from somewhere


There is a Korean Buddy Program where the local students volunteer to hang-out and travel with the students for a month. Mainly to keep them conversing in English (since they come here to learn English) and at the same time, introduce the culture of Malaysia to them. Also, there will be Business Major’s exchange students from Finland, France, etc.


#8 We are not the only ones who enjoy the facilities


Yup! You heard that, not only HELP CAT students. We are not the only ones who can access HELP CAT's library, some high school teens *You know who you are* can access the library. The college will rent out the exam hall and auditorium for other functions. So, don’t be surprised when you see a bunch of police-officers-to-be walking around 6th floor ready to take exam, or orchestra practicing in Auditorium on a Saturday.


#9 That’s the question:


You can choose to stay in the comfortable and beautiful, yet small and expensive room above college, so that you can wake up late even you have morning class. By the way, the (unstable) Wi-Fi and utility bills are included in the fee. Or, you can take some effort to research for cheaper rooms near the LRT station, you can even ask your pals to rent an apartment unit together.


#10 The Gym equipment is in an Aquarium…


We call this room with transparent glass walls as the Aquarium plus the activity room with the same name. So, to anyone who passes by this area can see what you are doing in the gym. The *AHA* moment that me and my friends had was when we realised that the gym also has two (2) pool tables, a foosball table and dart in a very small room. SAY WHAT?!


#11 To those who drive


Driving to college is tiring. Period.

You have to wake up early → get stuck at the Sungai Besi roundabout jam → tour the whole Fraser Business Park to find legal parking lot→ Touche if you found one! If not, you have 2 choices:

(A) Get fed up and park illegally → then worry that DBKL will saman*
(B) Go into the mall parking lot → pay for a high rate of RM3 per hour (imagine you have a 3 hour class, 2 hour break and another 3 hour class, do the math. oh~ you always come to college earlier and leave college later right, that will exceed 8 hour, so 9 hours x RM3 = RM27)
→ enjoy the class → go back → jam once more.


#12 The escalators take turns to rest


If you expect the 7-floor-building to have full functioned escalators, be prepared to be disappointed. I think the escalators are either tired of doing their jobs or having an identity crisis, maybe they think they are staircase? Or perhaps in their past life they were elevators. I don't know.

#13 We have a nice admin in our FB Confession Pages ;)


Post a confession and our friendly admin will have some bro-talk with you, (ps: including romantic advice *wink*). We love you admin. <3 Like their page at HELP CAT Confessions & Rants.


Do you agree with us about HELP CAT student? Send me an email, if otherwise at [email protected] or comment in the box below this post and we will include whatever it is.


*Reading guide:

saman [malay word: issue summons] - FFK [cantonese acronym: fail to keep an appointment] kopitiam - [Hokkien word: coffee shop, usually referring chinese coffee shop] - mamak  [Malay word: Indian Malay Mixed culture, usually referring mamak stall]

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